Boxcryptor – Sichere Ende-zu-Ende

評分3.3(3)·免費·!Features:▸SupportsmostcloudstorageproviderslikeDropbox,iCloud,GoogleDrive,OneDriveorBox.Seebelowforacomplete ...,評分2.6(5)·免費·iOSAndthebest:It'sforfree!WithBoxcryptor,youencryptyourfilesbeforeuploadin...。參考影片的文章的如下:


在App Store 上的「Boxcryptor」

評分 3.3 (3) · 免費 · iOS - Thank you! Features: ▸ Supports most cloud storage providers like Dropbox, iCloud, Google Drive, OneDrive or Box. See below for a complete ...

App Store 上的《Boxcryptor》

評分 2.6 (5) · 免費 · iOS And the best: It's for free! With Boxcryptor, you encrypt your files before uploading them to Dropbox, iCloud ... cloud storage providers like Dropbox, iCloud, ...

Couldn't Communicate with Helper Application (iCloud)

I'm having trouble with downloading and/or uploading files in iCloud through the iOS FilesApp using Boxcryptor. Files aren't completing the upload process.

Handling big data on small hard drive with icloud and boxcryptor

Hi there, The use case : I have 1To on a hard drive. I want my 1To on iCloud handled by boxcryptor. My mac has a 512Go hard drive.

Eaglefiler an Boxcryptor on icloud - C

Hi, maybe a stupid question - today i´ve dried to use die EF-Library on icloud with boxcryptor Everything seems to work fine.

Compare Boxcryptor vs. NordLocker vs. iCloud in 2025

What's the difference between Boxcryptor, NordLocker, and iCloud? Compare Boxcryptor vs. NordLocker vs. iCloud in 2025 by cost, reviews, features, ...

[PDF] What is the Cloud?

If you plan to use Boxcryptor on your iPhone or iPad as well, make sure to use iCloud, because iCloud Drive (Mac & PC only) is only available on Mac or PC ...

[PDF] Manual

Files available only in iCloud and not stored on the Mac are not available in the Boxcryptor drive. Those files must first be downloaded in iCloud Drive before ...

Dropbox acquires Boxcryptor. What will happen to all those files that ...

Dropbox will implement the Boxcryptor technology to Dropbox so that the encrypted files can be still used later without the need to decrypt them first.

Boxcryptor 專為雲端檔案而生的加密、解密免費軟體提升 ...

這樣一來,就能大幅提升雲端備份檔案的安全性,完全不用擔心被別人、駭客竊取。支援絕大多數常見的雲端服務,如:Google 雲端硬碟、Dropbox、OneDrive。


評分3.3(3)·免費·!Features:▸SupportsmostcloudstorageproviderslikeDropbox,iCloud,GoogleDrive,OneDriveorBox.Seebelowforacomplete ...,評分2.6(5)·免費·iOSAndthebest:It'sforfree!WithBoxcryptor,youencryptyourfilesbeforeuploadingthemtoDropbox,iCloud...cloudstorageproviderslikeDropbox,iCloud, ...,I'mhavingtroublewithdownloadingand/oruploadingfilesiniCloudthroughtheiOSFilesAppu...